Managed aquifer recharge
Mission: enhance fundamental science behind managed aquifer recharge and develop a practical tool for mapping aquifer recharge potential.
Aquifer storage and recovery
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) involves injecting water into subsurface reservoirs via wells for future recovery. For the successful implementation of an ASR project, a target aquifer should have sufficient injection capacity, which is the maximum volume of water that can be safely injected. We develop a method that estimates the injection capacity of various types of aquifers (e.g., leaky, fractured) and use it for aquifer-scale mapping. The method has been successfully applied to multiple aquifers in Minnesota.
We also conduct field injection tests to validate the developed method and conduct flow-through laboratory experiments to address water quality concerns during ASR.
Infiltration basins
Recharging aquifers through surface infiltration is another common practice. We develop a simple yet rigorous method that identifies favorable locations for surface infiltration. Infiltrometers are used to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil suction in the field and to validate the developed method.
Selected publications
R. N. Shandilya, E. Bresciani, A. C. Runkel, R. Higgins, S. Lee, and P. K. Kang*, Influence of inter-aquifer leakage on well-injection capacity: theory and aquifer-scale mapping for artificial recharge. Journal of Environmental Management (2022).
R. N. Shandilya, E. Bresciani, A. C. Runkel, C. E. Jennings, S. Lee, and P. K. Kang*, Aquifer-scale Mapping of Injection Capacity for Potential Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites: Methodology Development and Case Studies in Minnesota, USA. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies , (2022).
R. N. Shandilya, E. Bresciani, P. K. Kang, and S. Lee. Influence of hydrogeological and operational parameters on well pumping capacity. Journal of Hydrology, (2022).
E. Bresciani, R. N. Shandilya, P. K. Kang, and S. Lee. Evolution of the radius of investigation during recovery tests. Journal of Hydrology, (2020).
E. Bresciani, R. N. Shandilya, P. K. Kang, and S. Lee. Well radius of influence and radius of investigation: What exactly are they and how to estimate them? Journal of Hydrology, (2020).